The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart. I ♥ You.
I'm officially 18
♥ Loves Around! ♥
Craps! :)
Do what you can. If you can't feed 100people, then feed just one. :)

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wild days
Saturday, September 22, 2012 @ 10:29:00 PM

Its end of SATURDAY!! I'm going back on Monday midnight!
So so soon man. Haha. Excited! Hmm. Its the first furthest trip I had when I'm adult.
Is a quite good experience to look around in the different country.
I would like to try with my friends or family who is able to WALK with me.
To look around in the places which I want, to taste the country food.
I think I will prefer with the old villages than the cities.
I like to learn and experience their traditional ways.

Freaking tired about my aunt part, since we're always argue, is everyday.
She will never apologize with the words that are wrongly spoken by her.
NEVER, EVER! But she wants to teach people with the mannerism, politeness and educational way.
Don't you that is more bullshit? I'm sorry for your health problems.
My mum even try to appease you and explain with you.
But you are trying to think and talk it in a opposite way.
You are freaking barbaric! Sigh. Stop with it. I'm gonna crazy!

Really thanks to Uncle Hori, who is my aunt's husband, who cares and sayang me a lot.
Remember to take care yourself and aunt. She really needs a partner.
Sincerely, ThankYou.

Something like this? Haha. Anyone wanna join?
