The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart. I ♥ You.
I'm officially 18
♥ Loves Around! ♥
Craps! :)
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wild days
Tuesday, September 4, 2012 @ 1:57:00 AM

One hand caused me DOWN. -_-

Finally, it's under my prediction. Guess what, I was fainted just now.
At the moment I felt helpless and whole body like melting.
Ju called up and asked for jog in the evening. And its after my meal with SAMBAL and MeeHoon.
This is OMG! I think its small problem but actually its big enough.

After the first 1km I really don't feel good and my heart is burning.
Then I feel like doing situps. I stood up after 70situps and I don't even feel good at all.
Ju keep on talking with me but I can't even concentrate.
Her smokes made me more uncomfortable. I stood at the back of the car and breathe.
I can't hold the bottle of the water nicely. And, it is THE WORST MOMENT I EVER HAD!

I grabbed the door and Ju hold me to the seat. Really OMG!
She was shocked and keep on saying I looks really pale.
Then I asked her to fetch me back home. Back home already kena my mum and bro DIAO.
>.< HELP meeeeee! I will never jog after I took spicy food ANYMORE!
The feeling is just, HELPLESS and OH MY GOD!
No no no no no. Thinking back makes me feel like vomit.
Okayyys. Time to go to bed! Chiaoooos! #wa#will#be#fine#tomorrow
