The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart. I ♥ You.
I'm officially 18
♥ Loves Around! ♥
Craps! :)
Do what you can. If you can't feed 100people, then feed just one. :)

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wild days
3rd September//
Monday, September 3, 2012 @ 6:21:00 PM

Hippo, apa saye boleh buat?? :(

5days to go. I'm going to Japan soon.
What a mixed feeling. I don't know what should I do after the trip.
But, can I decide not to study? I don't like books! I don't like test!
Then I think is time for me to find a job! Jobless now wehhh! >?<

Went HTAR with mama this afternoon to donate blood.
And I found out that there's something wrong with my middle finger! Showing too much?
Hahaha. Joking, I think so that the nurse shouldn't puk my middle finger.
Last Thursday I went and the nurse puk my middle finger too, tested for twice and the HB still low.
Then today tried my fourth finger. FINALLY! 13.2!! Mwahahaha.
Machine problem la deiii! Must more than 12.5.
My first try is 12.2, 11.8. Today is 11.2 then 13.2!
HAHAHAHA! Quite excited that I can donate already.
Hmm. I don't know why too. LOLs.

These few days I don't feel good and my chest keep on pain like OMG!
Especially once I'm awake. Sigh.
Last week I went for jog, after 1km my heart beating very fast and I can't take deep breathe.
Then after I'm home, I told my mum.
Me, Ma, my chest very tia.
Ma, Sure you didn't breathe properly, you must breathe rightly when you jogging.
Me, Ma! I breathe for 20years already, you say wa tak tau breathe??? O.O
Ma, I said when you JOGGING!!
Me, Ma!! Don't shout at me, I cannot bear with it. (Talking slowly)
Ma, Wa so old already also haven't ask you not to piss me off, you so young!
(Laugh SLOWLY)
Oh noooooo! That moment just like. KILL me lahhhh!
I can't even laugh out loud. But you know me, I can't slow down my laughs. :(

This morning my chest again pain like, hmm, not to breath for seconds.
Will it be okay later if I jog? :(
Pray pray I'm FINE.
